Extend the life of your valuable assets, plant, buildings and equipment! This article will outline the use and benefits of wear protective coatings and why your location must have them. We will identify the team of experts you need to contact to help save you money.

What is protective coating?

Protective coatings are applied to surfaces subject to wear from corrosion or erosion. The coatings may be a variety of materials such as rubber or ceramic as well as spray-on and paint-on coverings.

Protective coatings are commonly applied to assets such as metal structures and machinery, concrete slabs, buildings, walls, chutes. Anything that may erode or corrode through contact with weather, chemicals, abrasive materials, temperature and more.

The protective coating will reduce wear, extending the life of the asset.

Why is protective coating needed?

Why is protective coating needed?

Metal and concrete assets such as pumps impellers, tanks and silos, plus screens, structures, chutes and more. All benefit from a protective coating to reduce wear and extend useful life.


Corrosion occurs when metal is exposed to chemicals or the elements. Obvious examples are cranes, tanks and silos or most marine applications. There are a variety of protective coatings available, it would be easy to select a less effective coating. It is important to have expert advice to avoid an expensive mistake if the wrong coating is applied.
Major types of protective coatings used for corrosion are:

  • Inhibitive Coatings
    Manufactured with chemicals to reduce the effects of corrosion.
  • Barrier Coatings
    Prevent chemicals, water, weather from coming into contact with the protected asset.
  • Sacrificial coatings
    Sacrificial coatings corrode instead of the protected item and produce electrons which can help reduce corrosion.
  • Combinations of the above


The most common form of wear to metal equipment in the mining and ore processing industry is abrasion. There are different types of abrasion mostly caused by particles in assets such as excavators, crushers and grinders or chutes and pumps. Heavy loads of materials or particles under pressure can gouge or cut the metal.

Over time, abrasion or corrosion affect the effectiveness of the asset. Metal can become thinner and weaker. Machines may require unscheduled maintenance, expensive repairs or replacement. Temporary loss of key machinery can mean downtime, with employees non-productive and the resulting hit on profits.
The benefits of protective coating?

The benefits of protective coating

Having protective coatings applied to your valuable assets is a smart business decision. Here are some of the reasons why

  • Durability
    Your assets will last longer. The correct protective coating, applied professionally, can restore damaged and worn metal surfaces. Your equipment becomes more efficient and machine life is extended.
    Protective coatings may be reapplied, as they wear, to continue the benefits gained.
  • Productivity
    Your site will have more confidence in the continued safe operation of your equipment when it has protected coatings applied. Untreated assets will wear more quickly and become less efficient and unsafe. Failure of a key piece of equipment may mean work has to cease, with zero productivity until unscheduled repairs have been completed or replacements have been made.
  • Appearance
    Your assets will look better!
    Equipment that has been effectively coated has the appearance of equipment that will work better and is safer than gouged and scarred, or rusty equipment.


The application of protective coatings is NOT a DIY job!

Incorrect or poorly applied coatings may not be effective and you may have wasted your money!

An experienced professional will review your site and your assets and determine which protective coating is best for your location and your operational needs. An expert team will have done this repeatedly, they will know how to prepare the site and your assets.

Atlas Wear Solutions - Protective Coating Expertise

Atlas Wear Solutions – Protective Coating Expertise

Atlas Wear Solutions have specialised in providing wear and corrosion protective coatings for over 20 years.

We have blast hopper units, plus mobile compressors and generators. Our well-qualified, experienced team can work on your site. We also have our fully equipped workshop in Oak Flats.

With a history of successful projects and delighted customers, our dedicated team of application technicians will find the best solution for your abrasion and wear problems.

Get a free site inspection!

At Atlas Wear Solutions, we understand your situation and your problems are unique to your organisation. We will conduct a no-obligation audit of your site. Our expert supervisor will carry out a 30-60 minute inspection to understand the issues you face and to recommend a tailored solution for your problem. We will send you details of our proposed solution and a quote for the work.